Trip Itinerary

  • May 8th ~ Arrive in Nairobi, Kenya (pm)
  • May 9th -> 12th ~ Big "5" Safari, Meru Nat'l Park
  • May 13th -> 17th ~ Gorilla Tracking, Volcanoes Nat'l Park, Rwanda
  • May 18th -> 21st ~ Nairobi (fun in the Capitol with Friends!)
  • May 21st ~ Departure (pm) Nairobi to A-Dam
  • May 22nd ~ Amsterdam for the Day
  • May 22nd ~ Arrive back home (night)
  • May 23rd & 24th ~ Prepare for Re-Entry! :-(

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Back from the bush!!

On saturday morning we were up at 4:30am to get ready for the trip to the base of a volcano for our Gorilla trekking orientation. There, we met our guide Francois and his side kick. We were a group of 8 and were chosen to trek for Guhonda the largest Silverback in the world and his family "Sabyinyo". Guhonda means to beat (on chest or ground). The family consists of 10 Gorillas. Guhonda has 4 wives, 4 children and the next Silverback "boss" in training. His name is Gukunda. Gorillas have a life expectancy of 45 years and Guhonda is now 38...(We were both born in the same year).

We arrived at the rock wall of the National Conservency Park and were briefed on what to do and not to do when in the Gorillas presence. We must whisper, not point, not look Guhonda in the eye.....and no flashes on cameras. It was pretty clear.

Francois gave us some lessons on Gorilla talk and what certain grunts would mean. He also shared some eucalyptus leaves with us. They are the main diet of a Gorilla including bamboo leaves and shoots. I tasted it and was good. Francois also said that the locals used the leaves to rub under their pits to use as deodorant and will dry the wood to make charcoal for cooking.

Once we climbed over the wall it was only a matter of minutes that we met up with 2 trackers and one Ranger with an AK-47. 15 minutes later we were upon the Sabyinyo family. They were having breakfast. It was the most amazing feeling and site I've ever experienced! Big Ben (Son of Guhonda) was curious enough to grab at Jasmina's leg and try to take Dan's shoe off. Francois let out a few grunts to say "okay that's enough"....and Big Ben went elsewhere to graze.

Guhonda, yes he is huge and an amazing creature. He seemed to be very relaxed and calm. The weather was rainy and hazy. Gorillas in the mist! It was special and I have lots of pics and video. We spent 1 hour with the 8 we could see. There is even a baby called Sacola who's main interest is to suckle mom.

This was a great day and it was time to leave. We drove up to the Mountain Gorillas Lodge by 1:00pm. The staff there is amazing and views are spectacular. We could see 4 of the 6 volcanoes. Unbelievable. We checked in, they took our boots to be cleaned and we had a late lunch. We used the afternoon to relax and get ready for a show (dancing) put on by a local orphanage. They were really good and I have video of this also!

Dinner was good and we ended up at Dan and Trudy's lodge for a few night caps before bed.

A fire was started in our fireplace and there were 2 hot water bottles under the sheets!

It was a great day and next, I'll write about the Golden monkeys!

1 comment:

  1. You are so incredibly lucky. I am so so so envious. I cannot wait to see the pics.
